


J-WAVE グルーブライン前半のネタ:「ザ・ナエール」で読まれた。

押切学青森F2最終日7R特選2着、山口健治につけて流れ込み。JLPGAスタジオアリス女子オープン、優勝は辛荽周、-6(210=68+71+71) 賞金10,800,000円。一ノ瀬優希は16位タイ (219=77+72+70) 774,000円、獲得賞金順位は39位へ(2,366,000円)。
第68回桜花賞(JpnI) レジネッタ(小牧太) 単勝12番人気、父 フレンチデピュティ 母 アスペンリーフ 母の父 サンデーサイレンス。
Official Basketball Rules 2006
Referees’ Manual
Two-Person Officiating
Review comments
A pre-game conference is absolutely necessary.
1. Know your areas of responsibility on the floor and avoid having both officials watch the ball and the players immediately surrounding it.
2. Referee the play away from the ball when it is your primary responsibility.
3. With double whistles, establish eye contact with your partner before proceeding with your signal.
Remember: The official closest to the play or towards whom the play is moving shall have primary responsibility.
4. Give help when required on out-of-bounds situations, but only when requested to do so by your partner. Get into the habit of establishing eye contact.
5. Try to know at all times, not only where the ball and all the players are located, but also the location of your partner.
6. In fast break situations, especially where the offensive players outnumber those on defence, let the nearest official make the decision on whether or not to call the foul. Avoid the temptation to make a call when you are ten (10) metres or more away from the action.
7. Blow your whistle for a foul only when it has an effect on the action. Incidental contact should be ignored. Look for plays that need to be called.
8. Excessive use of hands must not be allowed. A mere touch in itself is not a foul, but any illegal prevention of a player’s movement seeking to obtain a new position is a foul.
9. Establish your standards early in the game. The game will become easier to control. Rough and over-aggressive play must always be penalised. The players will adjust to the way you allow them to play.
10. Be vigilant on rebound situations. If a player in an unfavourable position gains an unfair advantage, it is a foul. Contact, when it is not intentional and does not affect the play, should be ignored.
11. Keep on the move as the play comes towards you and try to maintain the best possible position and a wide angle of vision between the defensive and offensive players. Be on top of the play when you make the call.
12. Make sure you know where the ball is when you call three (3) seconds and make sure you have counted three (3) seconds after you have seen the offensive player in the restricted area.
13. Do not stop the game just to warn a player or a coach regarding his conduct. If the warning is necessary, do so when the game clock is stopped and ball is dead. If it is necessary to stop the game, a technical foul must be called.
14. The coaches should not be allowed to become the centre of attention with theatrical gestures and constant complaining. This behaviour is not to be tolerated. The officials must stop this early. Do not be afraid to call the technical foul when the coach tries to intimidate or harass you.
15. When you report a foul and the team foul marker is in operation, confirm with the scorer whether it is the fourth (4th) or fifth (5th) player foul by the team, before indicating the penalty.
16. Slow down your signals to the scorer, especially when giving the player’s number.
17. Work as a team with your partner. Do your best to cooperate. Make eye contact before handing the ball to a player for a throw-in.
18. You arrive on the floor together. Therefore, whenever possible, try to leave the playing court together.
19. Never stop moving. Adjust your position when the ball moves. You are also an athlete.

The officials are entrusted to see that the game is played within the framework and guidelines of the Rules. They have to make instantaneous decisions.
Inevitably any decision that is taken quickly will, at times, lack rationality and occasionally may even be wrong.
‘No official is perfect’. There will never be a game after which the official can look back and say, ‘I was faultless’. Human activity necessitates human judgements.
Basketball is competitive. It is a game charged with emotion, where tempers and friction can run high, especially when the score is close. The officials must always have the game under control. This means the officials must be firm, decisive and unshakeable.
Officials must understand something about the players and coaches and be aware of what makes them tick and how they perform. No official can have an excellent game without a reasonable amount of cooperation from the players and coaches.
Officials need an awareness of the game, an insight into the aims and objectives of players’ and coaches’ tactical manoeuvres, as well as an understanding of the strains and pressures affecting them. Officials must understand the frustrations of playing and coaching. The players, the coaches and the officials all belong together; they are not members of separate factions.
Concentration is vital for officials. It is usually learned the hard way. While the player has the opportunity to break concentration when not directly involved with the ball, the official can relax only briefly when time-outs and substitutions are made. Concentration diminishes with the onset of fatigue, as the game progresses into its final stages.
Physical and psychological preparation becomes very important. You are not anticipating what will actually happen; rather it is preparation for the most likely eventualities. Simply expressed, it is an awareness of the best possible position from which to watch the play and striving to get to that position.
Officiating is being in the right place at the right time to make the right call. Positioning is the key factor.
There is a high correlation between the location of the official and the accuracy of his decisions.
Officiating is not an easy task. The players are big and fast, the pace of the game intense. It is difficult to control or even see everything that happens. Good officials try to follow the play away from the ball, but of course, just as everyone else, there is always the tendency to focus on the spectacular scoring plays.
An official’s greatest virtue is consistency. It is important to try to call the same play the same way, irrespective of the stage of the game or other pressures.
The best officials have an easy authority, a rapport with players and coaches, the ability to keep a calm and steady presence in the most demanding circumstances, a thorough understanding of the game and acute powers of observation. They are intelligent people in excellent physical condition.
Basketball is a game of passion, of involvement and commitment, requiring officials with a feel for the game.
When you become an official, you will never again see the game as a mere spectator.
Nevertheless, it is still a game and should be enjoyed by everyone.
Even officials may smile!



投稿者: にっき
